What is Engulfurpassion?
It will give you a better understanding of what will take place at every level of starting lessons. I will show you ways to better prepare yourself for practice, of ways to go around all the doubts and excuses. I advise on how to overcome obstacles, of how to come out on top, tips, and strategies that can raise you above.
From this day onward, you will look up and realize that this is a road traveled on by thousands and millions of dreamers, of talented like-minded individuals with the SAME goal in mind, who reach for the same star, and who climb the same mountain! When you find your spot in life, you will be climbing up ALONGSIDE others who want to achieve the same dream you are after.
Instead of just heading to that piano bench by yourself and doing it as a creature of habit, I will instill in you a new path to take. A path with uncharted land- untraveled and untouched. This new pathway can bring you to a new level of satisfaction from your practice. Being fired up takes a lot of concentration- and of course... if you learn to engulf urself at a moment's notice, you can become ANYTHING you want to be.
And last but not least, taking FULL advantage of ALL the content and useful information I put up on this site- as everything came from my heart- you will LEARN how to practice and knockdown arrangement after arrangement.