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What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s the unbound love I have for the piano. I love writing about my passions, what interest me, what interests others, and sharing all of my thoughts with my readers.
ENGULFURPASSION is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing through this book and all of the strategies that can take you from where you are now-(If you just started, I'll show you how to make your lessons something to look forward to rather than the worst 30-60 minutes of your week?. Skim through this book and perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!
If you give me a chance, I will try to help you understand where your passion originates from and how to feel when it's time to turn it up a notch. What my goal is by developing a book comprised of simple strategies is for you to be able to print these strategies out and take them with you to the piano.
In the preceding pages within the walls of this guide, I will help you refocus your mind so you can turn any moment of any day into an opportunity to get your practicing in. And in the hopes of this, I will try to help you:
DISCOVER why it takes you so long to learn a simple melody.
LEARN how you can become more efficient at absorbing what you practice.
REALIZE that by running your own race, you can have complete control over your success.
Find new ways to attack the arrangements you are working on.
If you are tired of learning the piano the old fashioned way, and are fed up with missing key notes during a lesson, then you will want to listen up. Those ways still work, but in 2020 it's much more efficient to absorb what you learn. To do this, you have to convince yourself that you are there for a purpose, a reason. You will want to set yourself up to excel. There are so many side benefits you are unaware of. Here is a few you might be interested in knowing exist...
The way we behave in the world is affected,
Those who play become MASTERFUL at multitasking-
Playing piano IMPROVES brain power...
Your reaction time increases...
You absorb TWICE as much compared to a person who doesn't play.
This is especially great for young adults who want to take up the piano, but don't have enough will power to look past the rocks thrown their way.
Young adults up to college level and beyond, as well as Middle school and Highschool aged, are all within the scope of what Engulfurpassion has in store for the world. And trust me- the list doesn't stop there. I have a few videos explaining in detail some of the benefits as well...
Playing the piano has given me an abundance of physical as well as mental benefits- besides discovering that playing has been part of who I was. Just like you, I was not certain that it was the best decision for me. But 32 years later, it still seems like I have a long way to go.
What a great product you have Mr. Malizia. Splendid job on hitting the nail on the head. You have outdone yourself with what passion is.
Beautifully designed and well organized. I will pass this along to every teacher out there I know. Very priceless material. My husband says I can learn a lot from your blogs. Thank you. Thank you!
What you did Anthony was create a gateway to the mind. A very ingenious way to navigate around what works, and what doesn't, and there's nothing else like it. A book will suit you very well my friend.
Abigail Johnson. Alabama
Cindy Scott Oregon
John Turner, CEO